What is G.Mulesic? How is it produced?

G.Mulesic is a unique music in that how it is composed is very different from the traditional music. Firstly, no physical instruments are used. All the instruments used are "soft" instruments. That is to say that the music pieces are produced entirely using computer and software.

Secondly, the inputs consist of scriptural texts, beautiful pictures and colours. These are fed into the process of composing the music.

Lastly, the creative and inspirational elements come into play when a piece of music is made from the inputs above, in the composing process of selecting the appropriate instruments, colours, notes' duration and speed, tempo, scale and style.

The uniqueness of the music lies in the inputs used. At the least, G.Mulesic is good music, and if you like this type of music, it is great music, and for those who can believe, it is godly music.

The released albums are on the left side-bar. Do click on the albums to find out more about the albums and to listen to the samples.

About the Composer - Anthony Chia

I worship at a Spirit-filled church. I help in altar ministry in church and is a member of The Full Gospel Businessmen Fellowship International (FGBMFI). My interests include producing G.Mulesic, prophetic songs and dwelling into the Word of God. My hobbies include fishing.

To reach the composer, e-mail to: high.expressions@gmail.com
To access Anthony Chia's high.expressions blog, click here: http://high-expressions.blogspot.com but please note the blog is a Christian blog.

Copyright 2009 Anthony Chia All Rights Reserved